Saturday 7 May 2011

~ essay competition ~


k, entry aq kli nie nk cter sal my essay agk pnjg skit kot...haaa,,,nantok yer mate ku ari nie at skola.. da la td dtg lmbat, owg da bratur aq bwu masok pntu pgar.. ari nie aq bngon 6.50 a.m.. da la wk2 ur bju skola pon x gsok ag... but thanx for my mom tlg gsok an my bju..
mcm ne la x tdo lwat..mlm td jek aq tdo kol 3.33 a.m.... 
ini sumer nk siapkn essay tok cmpetition 2... da la isi pon x kmbang ag...
2 yang tdo lwat ur....cri isi...
so ini lah hsil yer....x hbat mane pon essay nie,,,bkn pndy sgt pon BI  nie...
pning gle ple, isi pon tunggang trbalik..kowg nk tgk x essay aq...jeng2......

 By practicing human values, we become better every aspect of life.

As human, we must become better in every aspect of life by practicing human values. Values of any kind in actual life depend for their meaning and the forms they are expressed in on the kind of social culture, language and human environment where they apply. Human values are part of culture, so its too difficult to discuss. Some of the expert about culture, they said “ culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
            Its especially must practicing by in this generation, because they will be catalyst to country. So, to make sure country can achieve the target to be the best country, the generation must be prepared our mental and physical to complete the vision. When the society practicing the good human values, its show the good personality to others. It can donate to develop the country. Some of the human values must we practicing is truth, love-caring, peace, responsibility, justice and freedom.
            First, are truth. Its are keeping our promise. Truth in any matter are not depend upon the will or wish the individu, but it is independent of desires and their related interests and opinions. Truth has two aspect, individual and communal. In individual, truthfulness is the basis of a secure society, the common effort towards truth about life, for example in science. The faculty rational thinking possessed by all humans, however much developed or in whatever form it takes, in the instance what enables us to distinguish the true from the false in so far as this is humanly possible. Evidence that truth is an inherent value in the human psyche is found in the fact is no one likes to be called a liar, not even most liars.
            Second, love-caring. This can be taken as a basic category human value which relates to concern and respect for others and the environment. Love should be taken in the sense of 'care' or 'concern'. Love is used in a broader sense in common parlance where it is the common interpretation. Love as care, is not refer to the emotion or mind so much as to a human faculty of identification with others, sympathy with all beings, creation and in spiritual or religious beliefes. Its essence can be character by the words "Love is unselfish care and concern for the well-being of others and the world at large. It takes on different general forms in different relations such as mother love, fatherly love, loving friendship and other els. Patriotic love is for one's country, care and respect for nature is love of creation. Being neither a sensation, an emotion nor a mere conception, but being identifiable only at the heart or core of the human consciousness. It is common to include altruism, understanding and forgiveness under the more encompassing word 'love'.
            Third, peace. Peacefulness in a persons life, in society and in world terms is a product of all positive values working together. Without truth, caring or concern and justice, conflicts arise and peace is endangered or lost. It is tangible present when experienced individually as peace of mind, the mutual respect and pleasure of friendliness and tolerance. Peace of mind can be independent of externals like the absence of disturb in peace and quiet, or the intrusion of an environment through noise. Peace of mind is as contrasted to mental agitation is a primary goal for human strivings to reach happiness. The peace of nations at least partly arises and sustained through the cumulative efforts of society, including the peaceful.
            Fourth, responsibility. Human actions are physical events brought about through physical behaviour. The human values themselves provide the general criterion for good behaviour, but because of the changing nature of life and society, they cannot be formulated as explicit norms, laws, rules or regulations. Towards living nature in general, the human value of doing duty is closely related. This is the reasonable tendency to wish to avoid harm to creatures or their environment wherever avoidable.
            Fifth, justice. Justice is expressed in all forms of human interest and care for living nature, obviously including humans, while it clearly also remains an ideal to be striven for in the interests of peace of mind and love. Towards others it is positively realisable in such ways as through protection, circumspection, understanding of real needs and sympathy. Forgiveness many people consider forgiveness the enemies as of high moral value, something which is 'truly human'.
            Lastly, freedom. Many aspect of freedom, but I only shows three aspect. Freedpm in education, we freedom to learn what ever you want. Freedom to change anything in life, also freedom to make your own personal decision and realize those decisions on your own. It is must fully using God given freedom for happiness and joy of all of family, friends and all human society.
            The values outlined are not independent, a value usually appears as a guideline or norm that helps us to judge what is right or is not right or good in any situation. Some may be meaningful only when the peculiarities of the society, era and people are understood, making them less than universal as values.
            Human value have become materialistic under the influence change of country economi in society. The aspiration to consume of modern culture, and its will influence ritual and behaviour of people in future.

                                                                                                                         905 words

haa..klau kowg ajin nk bace....bace r... xksah. tpi xley copy2 ea...
aq hrap dpt essay trbaek prgkat daerah...hahah..bsar harapn...pdhal rmai ag yg pndy2...
ele....ade aq ksah... bkn kne byar pon.....
my teachr said.. essay spe yg trbaek akn di siarkn dlm mjlah skola.. mmg la stkat mjlah skola..
tpi bgge ur di plh tok mgsi ruang mjalah skola...

kowg nak taw x hadiah dye,,law dpt essay trbaek prgkat ngri..

1st : lptop n piala pusingan
 2nd: nte book
n sjil bagi setiap penyertaan

syok jgak wat essay nie sbna yer..wlaupn ayt tunggang langgang kan..
insyaallh,,,kowg doa2 kn la essy aq nie ley g jaoh..ceehh..wwahh..
law xdpt pon xpe....skurg kurg yer aq dpt mmbaiki kslapn aq dlm wat essay..
eemm...pas nie nk prepared tok exam lak.. aq akn mnjlani exm slme 3mggu...
wahh,,lame 2...anyway, wish me luck fwenz....

 n tahniah kpd kwan2 aq yg akn mnrima nte book di DEWAN JUBLI INTAN MERSING, mlm nie...kol 7.30...
sdh yer x dpt dtg tok memeriahkn mjlis..n especially aq x dpt nte book...dgki tol la nan dyowg,,,iisshhh...

k la....maw kmas2 brang p tggroh jap lgi.... bubye fwenz, luv u all....mmuuaaxx...
